The Calling

This is the movement deep within, the voice of the self, the voice of Krishna, the calling of the divine, urging you to open, to delight, to unfold.

I want to live in you the way fire lives in the earth

but all you hear is fire and you remember hillsides

black like prophetic catastrophe.

I want to live in you like color lives and dies turning

in the sky, but you hear “dying” and are done.

I want to move in you like the life of the jungle,

and you make a careful little garden of aliens

to keep the wild jungle at bay.

Make no mistake. I will not stop, cannot be stopped

because I live in you already as the stillness

that seems like refuge from the quick flashing of the world.

Everywhere you turn I am there, pouring into eyes,

running down throats alongside abandon, even in

the catch of your breath.

Stop trying, and safety will blossom inside dangerous

honesty, and you will live inside me like fire lives under the earth,

rising, making paradise up out of the blank blue blanket

of the sea.

Listen to Pol read this over Jami Sieber’s awesome music.

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