Horse and rider jump into the race disappearing together into everything right there, in plain sight – in front of all of us who struggle and doubt, unbelievable things are surging back and forth restless with their magnificence. Grab theRead more…
In the Middle of a Field
Early there was no more sleep in me.Outside, the world was spinning potions of the short summer darkness into slow color:Grey bucks under a lamb grey sky stood among the river stones,tossing their antlers like crowns. A white crane satRead more…
Constant Noise
The Tao asks: How can you live with the constant noise of traffic? What kind of question is that? Have you ever been in an uncharted cave, say, or in a simple blond A frame in the crotch of theRead more…
Spent Enough Time
Even the city is nervous high tension wires run between all the rigid structures shoulders hunched high even in the stuttering sunshine of changing seasons. Who are we, infinitessimal creatures made of weft and fragile cables to be different? WhoRead more…
Advice for Overachievers (from Icarus)
When flying the wings do not hold up the sky They push on the fallen shadow until it becomes small and the earth curves A delicious hanging from heaven. How else could it work?
Brothers Grimm Backward
what if this 9-5 life is the fairy tale? what if I arrive home and my dog who loves me only slightly less than the ball, shows no interest in my scent? if there is someone else in my houseRead more…
On Fire
I wonder if they pack the wicker ribs of the burning man with Persephone’s gems, sweet, sweating, burning, bursting as the fire comes. Like even the black tarmack does when Pele’s blood creeps, unstoppable intensity, to the sea. Everything isRead more…
For the first time
for the first time with night falling with a dead thank-you on the ground, its feet still kicking my lips, it hits me like hot wind from the late train. I do have faith. Long-abandoned under hot classroom lights, pinnedRead more…
We used to live in the shoals
We used to live in the shoals of time where the spread of life before us sparkled and spread out into an azure forever. We’re spread out, now, like oil on the well like the popping white sea foam LikeRead more…
I Blame Odysseus
Houses of the adoration of the night, give your keys into this one’s keeping. Open your libraries and salons within this being. There may need to be a room to house the great heart as it begins this journey ofRead more…