I watched a woman online go through a year of “yes”; saying yes to every invitation she got to do something (reasonable/moral/legal) for an entire year. She reported the exhilaration of it, and the exhilaration of being done. I draggedRead more…
We used to live in the shoals
We used to live in the shoals of time where the spread of life before us sparkled and spread out into an azure forever. We’re spread out, now, like oil on the well like the popping white sea foam LikeRead more…
the time of ramen
Swirling pennants raised in celebrations no one understands.Patterned silks embroidered with elegant nonsense,characters from an uninvented language.Signifying without meaning,distinction without difference,heralds of cancer or cure,signals of madness advancing and retreating,finding fisherman on the rocks,well-intentioned speakers out of their depths.Maybe theRead more…
As-Yet Unspoken
Round river stone a Pleistocene cannonball.Slender-fronded fern, diminished but identical tothe 3-story trees that shaded the dinosaurs,tight-fisted palm a thousand miles fromthe desert, thrusting high and comfortable in the company of grass. Unwitting, we participate in a vast, silentinheritance ofRead more…