I watched a woman online go through a year of “yes”; saying yes to every invitation she got to do something (reasonable/moral/legal) for an entire year. She reported the exhilaration of it, and the exhilaration of being done. I draggedRead more…
Spent Enough Time
Even the city is nervous high tension wires run between all the rigid structures shoulders hunched high even in the stuttering sunshine of changing seasons. Who are we, infinitessimal creatures made of weft and fragile cables to be different? WhoRead more…
Only while doing do we grasp you Just in the labor of our hands you take shape Thoughts are ghosts driving us out of the glorious world. Each mind is fabricating itself We feel the edge when the scissors fallRead more…
June itself announcing
What do you want to be when you grow up? And the answers for a large pink boy were: fireman, policeman, truck driver. I wanted to be the papier-mâché bank I could never quite finish, to hold the vanishing treasureRead more…
untraceable ferocity
Sky and sulphur, winter sun in May.If you return here again and think exactly the same thoughtsit will be new. If you memorize all the dances and take each step like an executive of motion, it would be freeing.Whatever youRead more…
Remember this is the one
In the night when you pray in secret to be unmoved by the tides of suffering,when you mutter, “Lord, make my heart a stone” Remember. This is the one who invented babies teething, puberty,who gave us marriage so we wouldRead more…
Secret Documents
The Letter’s arrived and they’re asking you – come to serve as a secret agent? Everything has to seem the same Mornings and driving and buying things that no one needs, But when you’re in the store, You will beRead more…
Take up the leavings of a life.Say “thank you” in a clear voice.Bow to the unseen face of the training place –garden, ocean, dojo, cathedral, street corner,overflowing gutters of disappointment.Take up the friendships, the San Andreas pressures,the fragile desires, theRead more…
What if they did?
Who decided what jobs we would get? Was there a vote or was it done by lottery? Did the oligarchy or the plutocracy of beforehand have its usual effect? Did old souls get to pay $10 more for first seatsRead more…
What I did not do
I did not move back to Ireland, get involved in politics, buy and remodel a terminally quaint house, and rename it something Celtic, seeding the yard with guard geese.I did not take a job out of college making 90 grandRead more…